
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has gained popularity as a rejuvenation treatment due to its numerous benefits. This injectable therapy harnesses your body’s natural healing properties to enhance skin and hair health. PRP injections can be used as a standalone treatment for skin rejuvenation or hair restoration, or they can be combined with skin resurfacing treatments for enhanced results.

Some benefits of PRP injections include:

  • Regulation of cell growth
  • Promotion of new blood vessel formation
  • Support for tissue repair
  • Stimulation of collagen production
  • Induction of healthy cell growth
  • Optimization of healing conditions and new skin generation

What to Expect

During a PRP procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, typically from the arm. The blood is then processed in a centrifuge machine to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components. Once the PRP is obtained, it is carefully injected or topically applied to the targeted area.

After the PRP is administered, patients may experience some redness, swelling, or mild bruising at the injection site. These side effects are typically temporary and subside within a few days. The healing and rejuvenation process may take several weeks to months, and multiple treatment sessions are often recommended to achieve optimal results.

How it Works

PRP works by releasing growth factors and other bioactive molecules that stimulate cell proliferation and tissue regeneration. These factors enhance collagen production, improve blood flow, and promote the formation of new blood vessels, which can lead to improved skin texture, hair growth, or healing of injured tissues. The growth factors also have anti-inflammatory properties, which further aid in the healing process.

We may recommend PRP to enhance skin health, minimize dark circles under the eyes, or address hair thinning.

How to Prepare

  • For 3-5 days before treatment, avoid blood thinners like NSAIDs (including Advil, aspirin, and Aleve), alcohol and fish oils. Any blood thinning medication can increase the chance of bruising. If you need to take an over-the-counter pain reliever, take Tylenol instead.
  • Stay hydrated before the procedure by drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our aesthetic providers to see if you are a candidate. It is a versatile treatment option for various conditions and can be tailored to individual needs.